Monday, January 25, 2010

Fire Away

I have received tons of questions regarding my “Fire When Ready” post about hot yoga. I want to go ahead and address some of the legitimate concerns. While my first instinct was to say “Go give it a try,” I realized in reading there is some apprehension to try something so foreign.

FANTASTIC. It gives me the opportunity to hit everyone ever the head with the Clever Mission. Do. That’s it. Get out there and Do. Don’t talk about it, don’t think about it- just get started trying new things. It can be intimidating- which was the impetus for the Clever concept. I wanted to give women enough information to try new things without being so intimidated. Enter the male realm with a little knowledge and you can be a tremendous force in any endeavor. I’m really proud of some people I need to mention here.

Tricia- thank you for coming to me for motivation and inspiration in your quest to restore your strength. I’m behind you all the way.

Cindy- you were as opposed to hot yoga as I was opposed to all forms of yoga and after me badgering you for two years- you did it. For those reading- she is now addicted, because it took less than five classes for her to realize the emotional and mental benefits of this practice.

Chad- bravo, you did a fantastic job in your first class and I can’t wait to share more experiences with you as you begin your journey to flexibility.

Marcus- you never cease to shock me with your athletic enthusiasm and prowess. You’re going to excel in yoga quickly. I admire your determination.

So, here are some answers to your concerns:

I recommend you wear as little as possible while feeling comfortable with your body. For women- a tight-fitting breathable tank top and tight-fitting shorts or Capri-length pants would be ideal. The reason I mention the fit is that you spend a fair amount of time with your legs spread and in awkward (literally) positions- you don’t want people seeing more than either of you want them to. Further, baggy clothes can be a distraction and once saturated with moisture can get heavy. You don’t want to have to reach down and hold your pants up while you are trying to concentrate. For men- a fitted tank top and gym shorts or a thigh-length pair of swimming trunks. I swear, if I never see another shirtless dude in a Speedo in yoga, I will consider myself privileged. I don’t like this look at the beach, the pool or the lake- I surely do not want to be trapped in a room with a sweaty guy in a far to brief swimsuit. I will tell both sexes to avoid ankle-length pants because you do have to grab your ankles periodically and grappling with the pant leg can be frustrating and distracting. Do not layer up- you will NOT have a problem “getting a sweat going.”

There seems to be major apprehension about the heat and many people have asked me if you get the same benefit without the heat. My honest answer is no. As I mentioned before, the heat is part of the protective component that lends itself to the “pain-free yoga” concept. Just as you stretch a bit before you run, the heat is a built-in soother for your muscles, helping to prevent you from injuring yourself. The joints respond quickly- easing the tension you might recognize during other work-outs. Now, if you are asking purely from a weight loss perspective- I cannot answer that, but it would be a good question to pose to one of the instructors. I can tell you- your body struggles to maintain its temperature. That translates to greater burning of calories. If you have found even sweating to be a detoxifying experience- you will never feel more detoxified than after a session of hot yoga. The heat and humidity conspire to purge your body of impurities.

Some of you who are approaching yoga as a method by which to lose weight- get to it. I had several people tell me they’d be too embarrassed to do it. I have a solution for your fear. Sunstone has begun to offer an introductory series in which you can learn the postures before you are in a classroom setting. Cindy attended this- found it very informative and gentle and was happy to find there were many experienced yoga devotees in the class looking for a tune-up on their form or some advanced instruction to improve their practice. I highly recommend this- it eliminates the intimidation factor. You're all in it for the same reason- to learn. Additionally, there are ALL body types you can imagine. Obese, eating-disorder thin, glorious dancer’s bodies, sturdy frames, baby weight, pregnant, old, young, bald and hairy (thankfully, I have not ever been near anyone who smells). The beauty here is that it’s a personal practice. I’ve stood next to people I know for 90 minutes and never noticed because I am so focused on my own practice. People don’t judge, they don’t critique, they aren’t looking at you- they don’t have the time, further, they might fall out of a pose. You will recognize immediately Sunstone offers a very supportive, nurturing and gentle atmosphere. The instructors are educated, experienced and keen at noticing when people might need a little adjustment in the pose to improve their form. I promise you- I’ve seen it all- see Speedo above.

As far as weight is concerned- you can’t not lose weight. If you are doing nothing or little right now- it would be impossible for your body to maintain it’s mass and weight as you are investing in the practice of hot yoga. I will not stipulate anything- as each person’s body responds to exercise differently- but imagine eating the way you do now and beginning to practice yoga. You will lose weight. It is a fact. Now, instead of eating more because you are burning so much- you find you eat less. It is advisable you do not eat two hours prior to practicing- and once you finish, you are so energized and exhausted, you tend not to be that hungry. Once you start seeing the benefits of this exercise- you will find yourself making better food choices. After all, why do all this if you are going to head straight for Whataburger after? It’s a personal choice and I will be discussing nutrition again soon so we can address it further then.

What really motivated Cindy was my story about allergy management, as she is plagued as well. I won’t guarantee yoga alleviated my debilitating allergies- but it would be one hell of a coincidence otherwise. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you all. Texas has some of the worst air quality in the country. If anything can help increase your quality of life- shouldn’t you try?

A common fear is flexibility- I see so few people who are truly flexible during class. Natalie is very flexible, but she is working on her strength and balance. There is something for everyone. I have NO flexibility. I battle it during every class, but my core strength increases every day and my balance comes and goes. Sometimes I look like a yogini and sometimes, a Weeble Wobble (if you don’t know what that is- you are YOUNG).

What do you need to bring? Eleven dollars. Ten is for the ten classes for $10 promotion Sunstone offers and the other dollar is for a huge bottle of cold water. They provide the mats, the towel and a locker room for your belongings. You will also be able to shower off following your practice and/or get ready for work.

Oh, and yes, there are a lot of men practicing hot yoga! Dusty, I really see improvements in your flexibility- you’re doing a great job. I can’t wait to see some of my own improvements- I guess that’s why they call it a practice. It’s usually a three-to-one ratio women to men- so don’t feel intimidated. Actually, Clever Guys, this is a great opportunity to meet women- but proceed with caution because most women don’t wear their wedding rings.

If you have more questions check out Sunstone Yoga.

OK, I am looking really forward to this week. I have some great stuff to talk about with you. Would love some more feedback at I appreciate any feedback, but it’s better for me if you do your reading at the blog site and not on Facebook. I can keep track of the readership better. Thank you all for reading. It’s been really fun and as I’ve said before- “Isn’t fun the best thing to have?”

Warning- tomorrow will not be fun because I am PISSED OFF. Thursday will be dedicated to continuing our wedding planning information. In the meantime, if you want to research and get ready you can find some articles I wrote here.


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