Friday, April 16, 2010

All Sports, All the Time

OK, Clever Girls- listen up. I normally don’t hit you with two sports posts in one week, but frankly, this is a VERY exciting time of year. It also signals the coming drought for some sports fans. After the NBA championship is decided and someone takes home the Stanley Cup- we have to rely on baseball. Totally fine with me- but I still take even the slightest cool breeze as an indication fall and college football is upon us. Luckily, the NFL draft begins on the 22nd of this month and once that concludes, we can speculate how the NFL will shape up until training camp begins in July.

I just loved the baseball post yesterday. Makes me miss my catcher’s gear- standing in the base line and forcing runners to barrel me (knock me over) to get to the base. As you can imagine, this backfired most of the time, as the runners got in trouble for hurting little old me. Or, I received the ball in the knick of time (depending on who was throwing it- geez) and was able to tag someone out. It’s a great position for someone with issues with aggression.

I want to share a funny story. I forgot to tell you I also used to be an umpire. When I was 15, I started as an umpire for T-ball. In case you are unfamiliar with this sport- the players are generally under 6, the ball is placed on a tee- about waist level- so it can be hit.

So there I am, my first game- terrified. If you have ever wanted to see the worst side of a parent or grandparent- go to a T-ball game. Never are Mom and Dad or even Grama and Grampa more fierce in their defense of their children. So, first batter gets up. He has a cheering section of about 5,000- I think his family donated a set of bleachers for their extended family.

So, the little darling squares up, takes his position in the batter’s box and swings with all of his might.

"Strike." I even use the hand signals. Fancy.

"STRIKE?" Here comes Grampa, thundering down the bleachers- face red- meaty fist in the air. "What- are you f**^%ing STUPID?"

Of course, I’m scared to death. Respect your elders.

"Listen up, missy …" He’s nose to nose with me.

"The ball. Is on. The tee. It’s a strike. Get off my field, sir, or I will throw you out of the park." My heart was thundering in my chest. I might have narrowly avoided a cardiac episode. Thankfully, the coaches from each team backed me up and told him he was out of line and they expected better behavior from all the spectators moving forward.

The ball was, indeed, on the tee. So Prince Charming’s grandson took a swing and missed. Now, most kids hit the tee and the ball falls off and any Clever Girl who read the post would know that is a strike as well. So, either way …

OK, back to business.

There have been some interesting upsets in the NHL playoffs and sadly my Wings were involved on the wrong side one of them. They are down one. Arrrggg. Now, don’t forget- each round is seven games max. Often there are only four in a sweep.

The Avalanche are leading the Sharks 1-0 with a second game tonight.

Chicago and the Predators begin tonight.

Montreal stunned the Washington Capitals and lead the series 1-0 with a second game tomorrow night.

Philadelphia upset the Devils in game one and are together again tonight for game two.

Vancouver came out swinging and took one from the Kings. They look for victory number two tomorrow night.

The Wings dropped number one- freaking hell- but take another run at the Coyotes tonight.

Sabers snagged the first game and meet the Bruins again tomorrow night for game two.

The Senators shocked, well, everyone by upsetting the reigning Stanley Cup champions and I hope the Pens will be better prepared tonight. Come on, Crosby. Oh, and wear grey or cornflower blue, Mario.

As if hockey playoffs weren’t enough, tomorrow night is the kickoff for the NBA playoffs. I’m telling you- call the girls. It’s going to be a long month. Clever Girls always know the favorite teams of the men in their lives. If it’s not too much to ask, do a little sports reading at So Very Clever so you can be hip to the lingo, the rules and the cute dudes. Here is the schedule for the weekend. Great time for cocktails and chick flicks.

Oklahoma vs. Lakers, Sunday, April 18

Spurs vs. Mavericks, Sunday, April 18

Portland vs. Phoenix, Sunday, April 18

Utah vs. Denver, Saturday, April 17

Bulls vs. Cleveland, Saturday, April 17

Bobcats vs. Magic, Sunday, April 18

Bucks vs. Hawks, Saturday, April 17

Heat vs. Boston, Saturday, April 17

I plan to leave you a little supplemental post on the NBA tomorrow- so check it before your ass hits a couch, bar stool or stadium seat.

I don’t feel like talking about Ben Roethlisberger right now- so I’ll save it.

Next week is going to be very exciting. Again, I apologize for more than one sports post, but I need to keep you aware of the series standings in both sports- Clever Girls always know this. You’d be surprised how much attention a simple statement can make. Try this one- "I can’t believe the Penguins dropped that game." It’s just sexy. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation. From there someone would say- "You're a hockey fan?" If you are prepared to say "yes," do so, and anytime you feel in over your head- divert the conversation with a question like "What do you think about the new checking rule? Do you think it will effect the physicality of the game?" Or, "Who's your team?" Did you play?" Etc. … It really is easy.

It’s a big sports weekend so let’s be prepared, intentional and speak with purpose. Oh, and bobby pins really aren’t meant to be seen. If they were, they’d look prettier. Barf.

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