Monday, March 29, 2010

Is He Listening?

I hope not to do this again, but I am sick. Absolutely, completely and totally ill. So, I have to, have to recycle a post so I thought I'd go with one of the earliest ones for new readers who don't have the time to go alllll the way back.

Whether I have pneumonia or not- expect the kettlebell post tomorrow and prepare to embark on a whole new fitness regimen and you will NOT be disappointed with the results- especially Clever Girls.

Is he listening? Mmmm. It depends on what you are saying.

With men, what you say is as important as how you say it. Perhaps the reason you didn’t get that second date was because on the first one the poor bastard nearly slipped into a boredom-induced coma over dinner as you talked incessantly about work, why you switched manicurists or your sister’s divorce.

If he can’t work in his favorite topic – himself - no matter how gorgeous you are, you might be doomed. If his attempts to introduce his interests were met with a complete lack of knowledge and interest, you can count on not hearing from him again. If you are full-time hot, and part time borefest- it will catch up to you. Be advised, if you are full-time hot- he will still probably have sex with you- but you can count on little to no follow up outside of sex.

Why didn’t that guy from the party call? You were banking on it. Think back. Can you pinpoint the moment his eyes began to dart about as if looking for an exit? Was it while you were arguing with him about abortion, lecturing him on politics or unfurling your complicated family history? While TOO MUCH INFORMATION is an overused phrase, it is overused because TOO MANY PEOPLE SHARE TOO MUCH INFORMATION.

It doesn't matter whether he's your father, your brother, your date or your business associate- he does NOT want to hear about the fight you got into with your mother about your cousin's wedding- UNLESS, said fight occurred while you were driving a Ferrari Enzo on the 405 at rush hour in a high speed chase with LAPD after you tripled the speed limit on that quarter mile of unfettered pavement. Even then, you will want to keep the details of the argument to a minimum. Nor does he want to hear about that lovely play you and your BFF attended that afternoon- UNLESS, said play occurred on a stage in the sky and the characters were fighter jets. Get it?

Speak a man’s language and he will listen. How? Aren't you sick of all the "self-help" books that tell you what to STOP doing? What to STOP eating, drinking, and where to STOP going? I know I am. So, I am here to help you START doing, START experiencing, and START learning.

If you are planning a wedding, don't forget to check out the articles I wrote here. Additionally, consider me a wedding agent for you. Email me directly and I will point you in the right direction to get started in this overwhelming process.

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