I burst out laughing (which I LOVE to do) last night when I happened to over hear Jamie Foxx on "Extra." I was bedridden with yet another respiratory infection- I’m not sure which is worse- being so bored I watched TV or having a respiratory infection. It soon became apparent- if my options were watching TV or having this infection, I’d take the infection and read a book. I won't make the same mistake tonight.
Jamie Foxx’s advice to Tiger Woods had been solicited by "Extra." His response was – “Tiger's not a celebrity- he’s a golfer- so keep doin’ what you're doin,’ man.” Fantastically absurd advice for a few key reasons. Tiger Woods is one of the most well-known and widely recognized people in the entire world (one reason I have a hard time believing Elin was unaware of his indiscretions)- which does, by definition make him a celebrity. “Keep doin’ what you’re (and to be fair to Jamie Foxx it was “yer”) doin’, man.” So, I guess Jamie means keep hiding. OK, great advice- glad Extra was able to track down Jamie Foxx for his stellar counsel. “Keep doin’ what yer doin’, man.” Fantastic. So, if Tiger Woods is not a celebrity- how could Jamie Foxx possibly be one? If Tiger Woods in not considered a celebrity- who would Jamie Foxx consider a celebrity? Undoubtedly himself- but who else?
Jamie raises a good question, actually. Celebrity, famous, notorious, illustrious, distinguished- they all are different words that sadly are used randomly and interchanged often. I attribute this mostly to the fact most people are not very smart or Clever and use words of which they don’t understand let alone know the basic meaning.
Here are some definitions
Celebrity- a well-known person
Famous- widely known (often briefly)
Notorious- widely and unfavorably known
Illustrious- notably or brilliantly outstanding due to dignity or achievement
Distinguished- implies acknowledged excellence or superiority
So actually- Tiger Woods could have been referred to as each of the above in the span of three months. There is no doubt he is a celebrity, famous, his character has been distinguished his play illustrious and now … he is notorious as well. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
I am not going to criticize Tiger, his father or his handlers for the creation of his “image”- Tiger will have to endure the collapse and he will be refined by this experience. Undoubtedly, the man who emerges will be a more authentic Tiger than any of us have ever seen. That is if he chooses to emerge to life as a public figure. After all, he’s not a celebrity- he can just go on with his life as if nothing ever happened.
Don’t get me wrong- Hollywood seems to have a few persons of noble character- but I can’t say for certain because I don’t KNOW them. Otherwise- the whole Hollywood thing seems, well, gross. The arrogance, the expectation, the entitlement, the aggrandizement, fortunes made and spent, the fact people are now famous because their dads were lawyers for celebrity murderers, famous for partying and being scandalous in general, famous because their parents were famous before them, famous for being, well, GROSS.
The point was driven home last night when yet another comment on Extra caught my ear. Teen singing sensation/moron (insert any name here) was asked if he thought it was an honor to meet Bill Clinton. Granted this kid is about 11 and hasn’t a command of the English language- “Nah (shake of the head to make sure it is falling square in his face), I mean it’s cool, but Rhianna is so hot.” Fantastic. This kid is going places. Rehab by 13 and jail by 16 when he robs a liquor store so he can keep up appearances after his brief CELEBRITY faded.
Then, the promise of world exclusive interview with Rachel Uchitel (alleged mistress of Tiger Woods)- who Mario Lopez announced as the most sought after woman in the country. What are you talking about, Mario? I know he was just reading his script, but seriously. She likely garnered some sympathy from the women out there who feel contempt. After all, she lost her “fiancĂ©” in the Twin Towers, she is a “home body” who loves to travel- hmmm. Weird. The entire interview- yes, I just watched it online, was gross. The fact she is now a CELEBRITY because she had SEX with a "celebrity" is gross. It is kind of like being a writer. You can’t get a book deal unless you’ve killed someone, had sex with someone who killed someone, are related to someone who killed someone or are having sex with someone who is GROSS.
The only thing that wasn’t GROSS about the interview was Mario Lopez. I can say this because I have met him- twice- and he was truly one of the most humble, shy, genuine, kind and sweet people I have ever met.
Abraham Maslow (I initially discussed him when we covered the hierarchy of needs) studied what he called exemplary people such as Albert Einstein, Jane Addams, Eleanor Roosevelt and Frederick Douglass rather than mentally ill or neurotic people, writing that "the study of crippled, stunted, immature and unhealthy specimens can yield only a cripple psychology and a cripple philosophy."
So, to extend this thought- if we are held rapt by the idiotic, morally bankrupt, scandalous, immature and uneducated we hold up as our CELEBRITIES- what do we become as a society? Idiotic, morally bankrupt, scandalous, immature and STUPID.
GROSS. NOT CLEVER. Read a book- oh, and not Jackie Collins. Even Danielle Steele offers more in content.
So the point to this is, I need never to watch TV again beyond "Dexter" or "24."
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