Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Special Place in Hell

As if to punctuate my post regarding society being desensitized to violence, a woman I went to high school with was murdered this past week. Here is the picture- can you tell me what’s wrong with it? A hard-working mother and wife making a living in a vicious Michigan economy- caring for patients in their own homes. In the evening, someone breaks into the home, kills both Carrie and her charge- steals Carrie’s car, which is found later by the police.

The list of injustices here is long. This waste of space could have picked a house where no one was home. He could have elected to rob the house (let me promise you in Detroit, Mich., no time would have been spent looking for a burglar who tied up two people and robbed the place) and go on his way- take the car. Instead, he turned a home invasion into a double homicide, literally robbing Carrie’s three children of a mother and her husband of a wife. I know no details of the patient for whom Carrie was caring- but I have no doubt there is loss there.

When did life become anything less than sacrosanct? We have an inalienable right to live. When did it become acceptable for someone to take that away from us for NO reason? At what point in that murderer’s life did he decide he had the right to take the life of another human being? How many had he taken before Carrie? Where is the OUTRAGE? This is human life we are talking about here. The one. The only (depending on your views of reincarnation). This is IT.

When I was in high school, a cheerleader from a neighboring town took her dog out for a walk in the wooded area next to her home as she did every morning before school. The last time she was able to do that- an 11-year-old boy who lived next door was lying in wait. He shot her- because he wondered what it would be like. This is a kid who spent most of his time out of school playing violent video games. Turns out he developed some blood lust. He ended her life. If that statement does not OUTRAGE you- you are desensitized to violence.

The very worst thing about the Natalie Holloway thing- other than her parents letting her go to a foreign country without teaching her you never leave a bar ALONE- is the way she died. According to the piece of garbage who “confessed”- he didn’t even know whether she was dead when he dumped her overboard. She could have just been passed out- having consumed so much alcohol she likely would not even have remembered he RAPED her. He didn’t have to kill her. He could have left her on the beach to wake in a pool of her own vomit. Murder? Why did he think that was OK? She was someone’s daughter!

That bastard John Couey who killed Jessica Lunsford- buried her ALIVE. The suffering that innocent little girl endured while gasping for her last breaths. Are you PISSED off yet? If you aren’t, you have a problem.

I have talked before about judgment and that it is wrong. I am not judging these people- I am ANGRY at their audacity. Rob a freaking house if you must because you are too stupid and lazy to be gainfully employed, but do NOT turn it into a homicide. You haven’t the right to deny children a parent or a parent a child, a sister a brother or anything else.

I am not talking about justifiable homicide- the act of protecting one’s self from one of the depraved miscreants above- and I honestly feel sympathy for anyone who is put in the position of having to defend themselves to the death of another- but better them.

Here is a clue- do not let your children watch violence on TV until they are at an age when they can comprehend what they are viewing. Don’t let it imprint upon them at such a young age- don’t allow them to become so accustomed to seeing murder and death it becomes acceptable- because it is NOT. It is not acceptable for the 11-year-old girl and her 15-year-old boyfriend to light her mother on fire in bed in Tampa last month. If they can do the crime, they can do the time. If a child possesses enough motivation to try to light her mother on fire- she is capable enough to be incarcerated.

Why is death so entertaining? "CSI," "CSI: Miami," "CSI: NY," "Law & Order: SVU" (special victims unit- a show devoted to the type of heinous crimes I am describing above), "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" ... at least with Dexter, he is murdering people who perpetrate unspeakable crimes. We need more vigilantes (a carefully constructed network of mothers)- people willing to put to death those who can NOT control their deviant impulses.

I could go ON and ON about how WRONG it is for stories like this to be blips on the local and national news. How wrong it is for someone who confesses to a heinous act against a child to have a trial? Death by firing squad or guaranteed murder in maximum security prison is the only REASONABLE option.

I might have to rethink my preoccupation with serial killers. Though, in all honesty, I am interested in real serial killers not the ones Hollywood creates. It doesn’t mean I’m not ANGRY about their crimes- especially those against children. Actually, those murdering pedophiles are of no interest to me other than my wish for their demise. In fact, I daydream about that special place in hell stoked just for them.

So, to Carrie’s family, my deepest sympathies. To the family of her patient, I am so very sorry for your loss. For my friends from high school grieving Carrie- rely on one another, remember the fun we all had together, and know that her children are resilient but will need support and kindness in the coming years.


  1. Great blog. I went to school w Craig and Carrie, and later w Tammy @ Fenton. Someone put a link up on FB to here so I guess we went to school together too. Craig told everyone on FB what happened but I was shocked that nothing was in the online papers last week. You're right, it's all preventable.

    People should be doing hot yoga w their kids instead of pounding back the xanax leaving the flat screen to mold futures. This is why I have pets. =)

  2. Anonymous-
    I could NOT agree with you more. I'm afraid I am only becoming increasingly PISSED off about this. It's not that I haven't been affected by violence in my life ... I've pretty much had it with this culture of violence.
    Carrie was in my class- we went to school together from elementary on. She was an exceedingly sweet girl and I regret I didn't get to know her as an adult. From all the comments I've been receiving- she certainly turned into a loving mother and hard working wife.
    Again, now we have to worry about our kids dying while drinking Lemon Extract (previous post)- how about, as you suggested, spend time with your children and TEACH them, LOVE them, GUIDE them, have expectations for them and they will learn to have expectations for themselves.
    Good for you for having pets- I am sure you are a great parent to them. Haha.
    Thank you for reading- hope to hear from you again.

  3. Come ON already..it is Thursday pm and no post since Tuesday?!?!?!? WTF?

  4. Anonymous-
    First of all, Alisa accidentally published TWO on Tuesday and it is NOT Thursday PM. It will be up asap. Thank you for your patience.


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