Clever Tribe, an official Happy New Year to you all. Thank you for joining me for a really fantastic one. I have had many e-mails asking for my thoughts on resolutions and what the NEW year holds for me personally.
In my opinion- resolutions have become diluted- a “wish list,” if you will. If there is no chance of achieving the goal- it should not go on your list of resolutions. To be resolute is steadfastly determined- unwavering. It is my firm belief the only things that should be articulated as New Year’s resolutions are those that you truly want to accomplish. Don’t say it for your wife- “I’m going to work less, be home more.” “I’m going to lose 20 pounds.” Resolutions need to be for you, by you.
The number one resolution is to ... (rivaled only by quitting smoking)
... lose weight. What are you WEIGHTING for? I have a saying- it’s easier to stay in shape than get in shape. So, in approaching this New Year’s resolution, I am going to give you some advice as to how to transition this from your yearly resolution to knocking it off your list permanently.
... spend more time with the family. If you have to put that on your resolution list- you probably don’t really want to do it. My advice is to re-evaluate your priorities as a whole and find out what really is important to you- where your family falls on that list- and see if you can’t identify why.
... pay off debt. That’s a big one. Because I vowed never again to say “in these economic times,” I will instead say in this economy a great number of people will be lucky to survive with their small business intact, their job, their home, their children still enjoying extra activities, keeping up with paying minimums on the maxed-out credit cards … For those struggling, keep your head down and ride this out. While it might be the worst economic condition the country has seen in decades, it will rebound. It would help if the media would lend a hand and zip it with the doom and gloom.
... secure that promotion. What has stopped you before? Why is it so important right now and what are you going to do differently that will poise you for advancement? If you’d been doing so all along- perhaps you’d have already been promoted.
The point to all this is do not make resolutions for anyone else. For that matter, why share them at all? You are so busy DOING- you have not time to ponder, discuss or be challenged. Further- knock them off this year. I cannot tell you how many people I know who articulate the same resolutions every year.
Resolve to resolve this year. Whether it’s a conflicted relationship. Whether you are unhappy at work. Whether you need to clean up your diet or quit smoking. Now is the time to DO IT. Part of being CLEVER is having purpose- making an effort. Let’s be So Very Clever this year.
For my resolution- I resolve to be resolute. Each and everything I endeavor this year I will confront head on with every intention of vanquishing, accomplishing or completing.
Now- here are some tips for those of you heading off to the gym today for the first time in a very long time. What you put in your mouth amounts to more than 50 percent of how you look. So, you can beat yourself up at the gym and then ruin all your efforts by eating improperly. Not to say you shouldn’t go to the gym, because any exercise is better than no exercise.
Cut out soda and substitute it with water (add lemon or some cucumber slices if you find water boring) or unsweetened green tea (some experts assert green tea is better for you than water).
Cut down on the fat in your diet- if it isn’t natural fat, do not consume it. Eat leaner meats- pork tenderloin, turkey, chicken and lean beef (filet and 90% fat-free ground beef).
Use a heart-healthy oil such as Enova instead of so much butter or olive or even cooking oil.
Use reduced-fat dairy products whenever possible.
Avoid refined sugar and corn syrup. I know you won’t believe me, but corn syrup is in virtually everything in a package, jar or container. Surprise yourself by reading labels on foods before you buy them. Avoid it when at all possible and you will see your body change.
If you want to sweeten coffee or tea- use raw sugar. I am not an advocate of artificial sweeteners, though I have been known to use some Splenda. When I decided to eliminate refined sugar- I just began to drink my coffee with a little milk, soy milk or black. Iced tea is just fine without or with lemon.
Here is a big one- it might be the toughest one yet- avoid WHITE foods. These generally are processed, refined and enriched. I won’t go into the specifics- but suffice it to say- your body doesn’t like this. Imagine your body a machine (which it is) and it runs best and most efficiently if you put in only the purest, cleanest fuel. So, why aren’t you? Why would you put processed food in your body in great amounts? Don’t get me wrong- everything in moderation, but if there are options- why wouldn’t you use them?
What are the options to WHITE?
Whole-grain foods- now, this is a buzz word, so you need to be diligent in reading packages. If it still says- bleached or enriched wheat flour- avoid it. There are breads, pastas, crackers and tortillas out there made with unbleached, unenriched wheat flour. The more whole grains you are putting in your body- the more fiber you're ingesting, the quicker your food is processed in your body and turned into fuel, and then, finally, the quicker it is moved through. The last thing you want is to have waste lingering in your body.
Here are some brands you should look for
Kashi- amazing and pure cereals, crackers, snack bars
Central Market and Whole Foods have whole-wheat tortillas (I prefer Central Market because they make them fresh daily- I buy 10 packages and freeze them)
Enova oil- use it for Good Seasons Italian dressing or homemade dressings (remember- the less processed foods, like store-bought dressing, the better)
Food Should Taste Good- fantastic whole-grain crackers and chips
I know there are those who say the sugar in fruit is bad for you- but if the option is a candy bar- I do not agree. If you must have something sweet through the day- Kashi has great bars, and green apples and grapes travel well. I personally am a huge fan of fruit and don't limit it in my diet- especially blackberries and raspberries. Mmmm- just taste the antioxidants.
It would be impossible for me to overestimate the importance of vegetables in your diet. I know- eewwweee. It doesn't have to be the case. Who doesn't love cucumbers? Try cutting up a platter of orange, green or red peppers, some cucumbers and green apples an hour and a half before dinner to snack on. Carrots are high in sugar, but it's natural sugar so go for it. Celery is another great snack. Try to avoid dips and dressings- but if you must- try reduced-fat ranch or the Cottage Cheese Dip I posted a while back (made with low- or non-fat dairy products, it is a great source of protein and flavor).
Baking potatoes are white- try to substitute them with baked butternut squash or sweet potatoes. Many grocers now carry sweet potato fries you can bake- add a little salt and YUM.
Asking the advice of someone at Whole Foods or in the organic section of your local store is a good first start. Tell them you are looking to cut out corn syrup and refined sugar, bleached flour etc. They will put you on the right path.
It is difficult to change your old habits, but before long, you will find the food tastes better in it’s natural form. Don’t misunderstand me- I am the first person to take down a pan of rice crispy treats made by my friend, Jennifer, or to demolish a plate of Mexican food- but I eat corn tortillas instead of white flour and try not to do it every day.
Eating out is not as difficult as you might think- but it’s definitely easier to cook healthy at home. Anytime you can order whole wheat on a sandwich, eliminate the oil from fajitas or ask for no butter or oil in your food, hold the cheese and mayo (add pickles and peppers)- you are doing your body a favor.
As your body begins to run more smoothly and you start losing a little weight, your work-outs will be more productive. When you see results, you will be more motivated.
I know this is asking too much- but, if you can add hot yoga three times a week- you are reallllllly healing your body from the inside, strengthening your core and detoxifying your body. Oh, and you burn a TON of calories!
I’ll add more tips for healthy eating in the coming weeks- we can do it together. I’ve put on my winter weight and it is almost time to hit the pool. Yikes!
Resolve to resolve. Resolve to be resolute.
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