Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Catching Up With Clever Girl, the NBA and the NHL

Greetings from the Great White North (Barf. That was sooo touristy), Clever Tribe. I’ve missed writing So Very Much. Just to give you an idea what is going on, since so many of you have asked about the Tweeting and FB references to my novel- I thought I’d do another potpourri post.

Alisa (my oldest friend- in years, not age) and I penned a novel together about six years ago, and if you can believe it, it’s just NOW been picked up by a publisher. Randi Ertz, of The Little Things Publishing LLC, and her team of professionals found “Consumed” worthy of a considerable investment of time and money.

Alisa and I are working through the manuscript with Meredith (our fantastic editor- and no I am not sucking up- she really is THAT good). The process is thus- comb through every single word of a 464-page document. Sounds like a drag, eh? Not a chance. This is the type of thing that really gets my blood moving. Words are my greatest hobby and I get such a charge out of turning a phrase.

In addition to checking grammar and punctuation- we have to make sure each character’s “voice” is cohesive. By that I mean- they all have to have individual identities when they speak- as we all do. The characters are “people” and it’s critical they seem real to the reader. There is the issue of adding information a “cold reader” might need for the story line to flow. As the authors, we assume people “get it,” so we need to make sure all aspects of the scene make sense.

There are stylistic issues, and I know this is more information than anyone really wants to know, but I am asked constantly about the intricacies of what I am doing. So, style. Mmm. Thing about your favorite author (other than yours truly, of course) and wonder if you could identify their writing without knowing they were the author. I am not referring to one chapter- but a body of work? This is because they write with a certain style. I have a certain way I like to write dialogue- and it would seem Meredith is not a fan- so there’s been a fair amount of cajoling and begging.

Once this is complete- Meredith will do another read through and debate each and every comma and verb. That sounds like a dying of thirst to me, but it is something editors get a charge out of. Barf. She will then hand it off to our graphic designer, who will work on the formatting and type setting. So you know, the read throughs NEVER end. We will be reading this manuscript as it is being packaged to go to the printer.

So, if all goes well, in October we will have what are called “ARCs”- advance reader copies. These are forwarded to reviewers in hopes to get some good “blurbs” to include on the book jacket. So if you know any- let me know. Target release date will be December 1st so everyone will be able to buy their 20 copies as Christmas gifts.

What else is going on? The Chicago Blackhawks won the freaking Stanley Cup, which I was pretty confident of. Their depth is impressive. They go deep. I’m very happy for them and am already looking forward to the draft and spring training. Is it too early?

Tonight is game six of the NBA finals. The Laker Dynasty might just topple- the Celtics are hot on their heels and can close the deal and secure the championship tonight. So, Clever Girls, I am hoping to manage your expectations in case you are surrounded by hoops-loving men. Make other plans if you must- or be understanding if this is a night out with the guys. My gosh, I have no idea what time zone I’m in as I am TZC (time zone challenged)- so the fact is- the game is just hours away. This is a HUGE night in the lives of fans of either of these teams.

This is a great opportunity for me to point out two things- I absolutely detest Ron Artest- see the “Brawl at the Palace” on YouTube for a great idea why. Let me give you a hint- it has something to do with the fact I find him worthless as a human being.

Additionally, I fear the basketball coach at my alma mater is about to become the next hired gun. In addition to the insult this is to a Michigan State Spartan- to even suggest Izzo would need to speak with LeBron James prior to making a decision makes me want to hurl. Either you desire to be an NBA coach or you don’t. Who you coach really should have little bearing on it. Non?

OK- that’s enough of me ranting- but I just spent three days in Michigan and I am horrified by what is going on in my home state. For my observations- and warning, it will have shades of political rhetoric - tune in later this week.

Back to the grind.



  1. "hurl" and "barf" in the same post?

  2. Eric-
    Just as I stated five seconds ago in relation to another post- your comments are always so well crafted and poignant. BOL- burst out laughing.
    Frankly, why not? Hurl and barf are two of my all time faves.
    Thanks for reading.


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