I am tempted to do the victory dance- but Geoff cautioned me not to do it anymore- after what happened THE LAST TIME (geez, how embarrassing) but this truly was a "Sextrology" victory. I’ve been waiting for the perfect time to seduce a friend of mine with this book and it arose today- and yes, I had to be So Very Clever because he’s a skeptic.
I pulled THE BOOK out of my computer bag, where it resides- if you can imagine me carting about a generous book along with my computer and various legal pads loaded with Clever thoughts and hopeful dreams. I knew the sheer magnitude of it would catch his eye.
"What's that?" He inquired. I had to select my words carefully because I knew what would and wouldn’t turn him off.
"Oh this? My new favorite book. What’s your sign?"
"What? No way. You know I don’t believe in all that," he dismissed me with a wave.
"OK. Fine." While he went to fill his plate with Indian food, I looked up his sign- tail end of Libra and what I’d read of Libra didn’t fit at all. So, I skipped forward to Scorpio and BINGO! As he returned to the table, I began to read- from the top.
The first sentence stopped him mid-stride. He looked over my shoulder and said, "I’m not a Scorpio."
"I'm aware, but you are so close to Scorpio- it’s a better fit. Actually, it’s startlingly accurate."
I had no recourse but to keep reading. By the second and third sentences, he’d yet to pick up his fork. His brow had furrowed and his eyes narrowed. By the end of the chapter, he was lying on the seat of the booth with me speaking truth over him. I know it to be truth because I KNOW him. After we'd made it through the Scorpio chapter, I realized just how honored I am to be as close a friend with him as I am. The Scorpio is a circumspect creature- they are not quick to trust and rarely welcome new people to the inner sanctum.
As he lay there- letting concepts permeate- I sighed deeply. I felt relieved- because we tend to clash a bit at times and are forever trying to figure out how to communicate without getting hurt or hurting one another. Now I KNOW. We are likely not to have as many problems and I am going to be much more discerning moving forward as to the type of woman I suggest for him. Now, don’t get me wrong- there were portions that were not spot on, but much more right on than not.
Most amusing, when we got up to leave, he picked up the book and walked out with it. I decided to let him be nonchalant and pretended not to notice him clutching it to his chest. I can’t help but wonder what he’s going to do with it- research an old love- check out the cosmic coupling at the end of each chapter- read about his parents?
The places the book can take you are stunning.
I am so excited to have the new book by Starsky & Cox in my hot little hands. It might be the ONLY reason I let him abscond with my sacred tome. Here it is next to me- beckoning me like a fiery siren, I’m hoping I don’t end up dashed upon the rocks. Regretting my decisions in life- my own couplings so to mention. In my book (not literally-) no coupling should be regretted because of what we learn. Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you wanted- right? Nah- that is cynical talk.
OK, Clever Tribe. I wouldn't steer you wrong. This book illuminates dark places in relationships. It brings about understanding and compassion. Can you imagine sense being made?
Have a great weekend and I'll meet you back here on Monday! In the meantime "Sextrology" and "Cosmic Couplings" by Stella Starsky and Quinn Cox. You WON'T be sorry. Oh, and I'm about to read a book called "Sex, Lies and Religion" by a Clever Guy named Randy Elrod. The title is So Very Compelling- but as I promised- I won't be "discussing" religion on Clever. However, I certainly will let you know what you NEED to know.
Ah yes, the victory dance. Properly timed it is a So Very Fulfilling, but a premature victory dance is never Clever. Don't blow your wad...save that for Sextrology, and book which I have seen but was scared to touch.
ReplyDeleteAs I vividly recall- the victory dance in question was not premature at all but witnessed by someone. That is where I was hamstrung.
It is time for you to get over your fear of the book. You and Davin might learn a great deal. I am ready to jump into the second book- Cosmic Couplings which covers more in depth the pairings of different signs.