Ok, Clever Guys- I am sending out this warning- the next dude to give me a gift certificate might find it stapled to his forehead. What better way to say I am lazy and uninterested in you? So, to help you avoid this potentially devastating facial deformity, I'm about to not only take the guess work out of buying gifts for your Clever Girls- I am going to take the leg work out too. All these gifts are available ONLINE. Yipeee. You will notice there is no lingerie on this list or any other of my pre-Christmas lists- why? Because Clever Girls do not consider something you bought for yourself, under the guise of a gift, to be a genuine gift- sooooo, buy all the lingerie you want- but it does not quality, so you STILL have to buy gifts.
The Fashionista
She is not truly a fashionista without the following shoes- and this, is an investment. The more shoes she has, the less she wears them out. I have shoes I’ve had for a decade- I wear them a couple times a year and covet them- they live in their original boxes and the boxes are tucked away on shelves. She will need- Jimmy Choo, Chistian Louboutin, Manolo Blahnik (I am not a fan at all- but that is me. Be cautious- they make their traditional sling back in a shorter heel and a taller heel- do not be fooled- know which she would prefer. I find the 2.5 inch heel to feel like a house shoe, much happier with the 90mm heel), Gucci and Prada.
Keeping in mind- this is for the Fashionista- not all women are recognized or self-declared fashionistas. If she does not already own an item by one of the above designers- it means her interests lie elsewhere and a gift of a pair of these shoes would be tantamount to buying a Ferarri for someone who loves their Prius. No interest.
And do NOT- pick the sluttiest of the available shoes to go with the lingerie she doesn't really want to wear. Traditionally, these are classic designers, but Louboutin pushes the envelope and if she seems to enjoy a slip on mule or peek toe- do not go for the 4.5 inch platforms in red. Know her. It’s an honor to be known and she will delight in the gift of a shoe, which reflects her personality. I tend to wear some WILD shoes- they are and always have been my fashion weakness. I come from a long line of shoe whores. Know your Clever Girl.
My personal recommendation for the season is a classic Louboutin pump in black- peek toe or otherwise. This goes with everything and the noteworthy red bottom will really pop. www.neimanmarcus.com or www.saksfifthavenue.com.
Jimmy Choo has stores in major metropolitan cities or can be purchased on line at www.bergdorfgoodman.com www.saksfifthavenue.com or www.jimmychoo.com
Manolo is available at www.neimanmarcus.com or www.barneys.com or www.manoloblahnik.com
Gucci- my absolute fave- putting on a new pair of Gucci is a comfortable as slipping on an old pair. Yum. www.neimanmarcus.com www.gucci.com and Gasp, just found out there is a website called www.guccioutletmall.com. I don’t know that this is authentic Gucci, because they have sunglasses marked down to $43, from $99. I have never bought a pair of Gucci sunglasses under $300 or at NM outlet for under $130. This is highly problematic- for the fashionista- as soon as something is available to EVERYONE at discount prices, she might not covet it as much. Hmmm. Know your Clever Gucci Girl’s stance on outlets. I personally love discount prices at www.nmlastcall.com, but am not sure how I feel about an entire store devoted to off loading Gucci.
Ok, enough gifts for spoiled fashionistas. Now, let’s get practical! A couple important hints- make sure your gifts are appropriate. Do NOT buy jewelry for a woman unless you are in a relationship or want to be in one. If you don’t know the status of your “relationship”- be cautious, jewelry could send the wrong message or totally freak her out. Another tip- do not buy anything monogrammed with all her initials- this tells her you never plan to change her initials- which could be the exact message you are trying to send- but if it isn’t- proceed with caution and stick with the first initial only. Roberto Coin makes a lovely initial pendant necklace for about $415 and is available at www.neimanmarcus.com.
The Gadget Girl
If she looooves her iPod- don’t hesitate to scroll through, and then look up some of her favorite bands. See if there is new music out and “gift” the albums to her on iTunes. This is so much more personal than an iTunes gift certificate. See above potential hazard of purchasing a gift certificate. Oh, and an emailed gift certificate is even more insulting than one which comes in a card. The only possible, passable excuse for a gift certificate is a gift card from Neiman Marcus- but not for your significant other. If you had to go there to get it- you might have spent an extra four and a half seconds and done some shopping- geez.
Product Junkie
I am a HUGE fan of Bliss products, which I fell in LOVE with while staying at the W Hotels- which I freaking love. When your slogan is Whatever Whenever- you had better take it seriously- and they Do. For example- I called down to order breakfast at which point I was told they did not have Rye bread. I grumbled, pouted a bit (pouting is totally legal if you push that plump bottom lip out in a sexy pout) and was overjoyed to find Rye toast accompanying my egg whites with spinach. Think W- where ever or whenever you have to travel- oh and invite your Clever Girl along. Clever Girls LOOOVE Whatever, Whenever.
My very favorite bliss products are the Lemon Sage- light, airy and not cloying in the least. They also offer a ton of gift items at reasonable prices including the “steal of the week”. Anti-aging, footwear (for sleeping to rejuvenate dry and cracked heels), skin care and bath products- YUMMM. www.blissworld.com They offer 20% off on line orders and you can also pick up some of the products at Neiman Marcus.
Clever in the Kitchen
If your Clever Girl has her own space- she might enjoy a single cup of coffee prepared to perfection as she dashes off to work. Try Keurig.com for some fabulous professional grade items at consumer prices or find them at Walmart. Other brands to boast the one cup brewers are- Bunn and Dolce Gusto, both of which are available at www.coffeewiz.com.
Casual Clever Girl
This Clever Girl likes to be comfy cozy- feel good and look good. There are some great brands out there which provide all the above. I love the Three Dots line available at www.nordstrom.com. Soft, inexpensive and durable. What more could you ask for? Shirts, dresses, leggings, sweaters, tank tops and t-shirts. Perfect for layering, for indoor or outdoor. She will love this brand.
Curve Conscious Clever Girl
For the Clever Girl who likes to keep moving- I am in LOVE with the Breathe Yoga mat, designed by two gentlemen who confronted continual mat vs. towel issues during their Bikram Yoga practice. Any Bikram or Sunstone yoga practitioner knows the woes. So, this mat, even has a rabbit flap for rabbit pose. It’s simply perfect as it is waterproof, washer and dryer safe and under $100. You can purchase it on line at www.breathemat.com. Your yoga girl will be very impressed!
Ok, Clever Guys- that’s it for this week. I hope I have given you some ideas for your Clever Girls. More next Wednesday if I still have not inspired you. Tomorrow tune in for some Clever ideas for avoiding that engagement ring upgrade in five years when she finally gains the confidence to tell you she hates her ring.
Clever Girl...
ReplyDeleteI love the suggestion of a fine yoga mat, but the trouble i get into is slippage (in downward facing dog, among other poses). Does the Breathe Mat solve for this???
ReplyDeleteCheck and check. You will love this mat- zero slippage, breathe mat will handle the yoga, you handle the shorts. No slippage. x