Friday, August 13, 2010

Catching up with Clever- August 2010

OK, Clever tribe- let's catch up. I have gotten quite a few e-mails complaining about my lack of posting. In my defense, I did warn you the editing of first novel, "Consumed," would be a time-consuming (had to do it) process. Alisa and I have been working So Very diligently to maintain our publisher’s schedule. We were lucky enough to be able to sit down with our editor, Meredith, in person and work with her for a week- that was productive beyond measure. We have just completed the second edit and Meredith will now get us a finished manuscript (typeset and all!) for review prior to printing what are called ARCs (advanced reader copies).

The ARCs will be sent out to reviewers and trade publications in hopes of reviews- so, if anyone knows ANYONE who reviews books, let me know. Our whole team is working hard to generate contacts for reviews. Once that is done- we will publish and are still on course for having "Consumed" available to the public by Dec. 15th of this year. OMGOSH!

We are running a contest at If you want to vote for the cover art- do so there. Everyone who votes will get a bookmark featuring the cover and one winner will be selected and receive a complimentary autographed copy of the book.

We are establishing relationships with book clubs, and for the month of January, Alisa and I will likely be visiting with specially selected book clubs in our area. If you are in a book club and interested in discounts on books from The Little Things Publishing- go to their site for information.

I've been immersed in research for the second novel and it’s been intense. When the time comes, I am going to need some help naming this book, so …

The best news I have is that it is OFFICIALLY football season. This means Clever Girls are going to need to be So Very Clever.

I will start you out by running football "rules" and overviews and then we are going to have to gear up for a huge season. The other good news is we are still a month away from preseason hockey and basketball, which gives you some but not much time to get your feet under you. Clever Girls don't need much in the way of time- we make up for it with quickness.

Another upcoming event that will impact So Very Clever is Soup Fest 2010. Some of my most favorite Clever Girls and I will get together and make as many soups as we can, from scratch, in one day. Sloane is the new girl, so her entire job will be to record the made-up soups so we have recipes. I will then begin to post the soup recipes for those of you who might love soup as much as we do- although, it’s tough to think soup when it is 185,000 degrees outside.

So, your job is to begin voting on covers for "Consumed" at and to let our publisher know if your book club would be interested in reading "Consumed." Also, I am thinking of running a contest on So Very Clever. If you are getting married, or know someone getting married, keep it in mind- you might be able to secure your wedding photography or wedding photography for a friend or family member free of charge anywhere in the country. Hmmm.

Alright- I'm radio silent until Monday and it might be time to talk about women's fashion again- I’m getting a LOT of complaints from men.

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